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Explore Evonik Stockhausen's recently opposed patents, revealing key competitive challenges and strategic patent disputes in the industry. Track oppositions filed by competitors to understand technology battlegrounds and assess potential risks.

Patent NumberGrant DateTitleTotal Oppositions
EP2176325Dec 8, 2021Super-Absorbent Composition Comprising Tannins For Odor Control1
EP2012843Oct 27, 2021Water-Absorbent Polymer Structure With Improved Permeability And Absorption Under Pressure1
EP2091583Apr 1, 2020Water-Absorbing Polymer Structures Produced Using Polymer Dispersions1
EP2147043Feb 27, 2019Method For Gently Mixing And Coating Superabsorbers1
EP2459163Apr 4, 2018Skin Protectant, Particularly Against Hydrophobic (Lipohilic) And Against Hydrophilic (Lipophobic) Harmful Substances1
EP2455062Oct 4, 2017Skin Cleanser/Hand Cleaners Comprising Hydrophilic Emollients And Abrasives1
EP2144593Sep 27, 2017Skin Cleanser/Hand Cleaners Comprising Hydrophilic Emollients1
EP2114469Mar 29, 2017Water-Absorbing Polymer Structure Having Great Ammonia-Binding Capacity1