In the competitive field of Protein Production, companies are constantly innovating to stay ahead. Discover the latest patent opposition trends, top opposing and opposed companies, and the most recent patents getting opposed. Stay informed on the latest developments in Protein Production technology and learn how to protect your intellectual property.

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Explore the top companies that have filed the most patent oppositions in the technology industry.

Explore the top companies that have faced the most patent oppositions in the technology industry.

Patent challenges are becoming increasingly common in the Protein Production industry as companies work to protect their innovations in a highly competitive market. These legal battles can significantly impact the development and release of new technologies. Below is a list of the latest patents that have been opposed in the Protein Production industry, offering a snapshot of the ongoing struggles over intellectual property rights. For anyone involved in this industry, understanding these patent disputes is essential for navigating its future.

Patent NumberTitleApplicantOpposition DateOpposition Name

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EP3926051Methods For Harvesting Mammalian Cell CulturesAMGENFeb 7, 2025ZWICKER SCHNAPPAUF & PARTNER PATENTANWALTE PARTG MBB
EP3630946Cell Culture MethodsUCB BIOPHARMADec 24, 2024STRAWMAN
EP3630946Cell Culture MethodsUCB BIOPHARMADec 23, 2024POHLMAN
EP3717656Process For Culturing Mammalian CellsF HOFFMANN LA ROCHEDec 13, 2024OETKE
EP3250681Compositions And Methods For T Cell Delivery Of Therapeutic MoleculesTHE TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIAFeb 5, 2024JAMES POOLE
EP3434760Methods For Increasing Mannose Content Of Recombinant ProteinsAMGENJan 23, 2024STRAWMAN
EP3769781Stable Anti-Ifnar1 FormulationASTRAZENECAJan 18, 2024MAIWALD
EP3165600Cell Culture Medium Comprising Small PeptidesLIFEAug 2, 2023MURGITROYD
EP3165600Cell Culture Medium Comprising Small PeptidesLIFEAug 1, 2023BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM

To stay ahead in the competitive Protein Production industry, companies are constantly innovating. Here are the top patents facing oppositions in the Protein Production industry. Stay informed on the latest opposition trends and learn how to protect your intellectual property.

Patent NumberGrant DateTitleApplicantTotal Oppositions
EP2971040Sep 19, 2018Methods Of Cell CultureMOMENTA PHARMACEUTICALS10
EP2791160Mar 2, 2022Modified Nucleoside, Nucleotide, And Nucleic Acid CompositionsMODERNA THERAPEUTICS10
EP3330370Feb 24, 2021Process For Cultivation Of Cho CellsNOVARTIS6
EP2154244Apr 12, 2017Cell Culture Method Using Amino Acid-Enriched MediumCHUGAI SEIYAKU KABUSHIKI KAISHA5
EP3227454Jan 29, 2020Process For Manipulating The Level Of Glycan Content Of A GlycoproteinAMGEN5
EP2809773Sep 2, 2020Process Of Modulating Man5 And/Or Afucosylation Content Of Glycoprotein CompositionDR REDDYS LABORATORIES5
EP2188371Dec 20, 2017Use Of Perfusion To Enhance Production Of Fed-Batch Cell Culture In BioreactorsWYETH4
EP3630946Mar 27, 2024Cell Culture MethodsUCB BIOPHARMA4
EP3165600Nov 2, 2022Cell Culture Medium Comprising Small PeptidesLIFE4
EP2634242Apr 5, 2017Improved Process For The Culturing Of CellsPATHEON I3